Stop Arm


South Henry Family,

The South Henry School Corporation has recently experienced an uptick in school bus stop arm violations.  In Indiana, it's illegal for drivers to pass a stopped school bus that has its red lights flashing and stop-arm extended. This applies to all roads except for motorists on a highway that is divided by a barrier, such as a concrete wall or grassy median.

This can become confusing for motorists, particularly in times of construction such as what is happening on US40.  Please note that traffic cones or barrels such as seen many places on US40 do not designate a divided highway and motorists, moving in both directions, should still stop for flashing lights and stop arms.  With this said, there are places on US40 where concrete barriers are in place dividing the highway.  According to the Indiana State Police, these concrete barriers would designate a division and motorists traveling the opposite direction are not required to stop.

While this can be confusing, it is always best to err on the side of caution for the safety of our students.

South Henry School Corporation buses are equipped with stop arm cameras.  Those who illegally pass a stopped school bus will be held accountable.  Tickets have and will continue to be written, and individuals will be referred to the Henry County Prosecutor's Office.  Violators could pay a fine of up to $10,000 or have their license suspended for up to 90 days for the first offense or up to a year for the second.

We thank you for your continued help and support as we strive to protect our most precious assets...our children.

Mr. Jeremy Duncan

Superintendent, South Henry School Corporation